
Affinity Photo is another powerful editing app for iPad

The Photoshop alternative promises a full suite of features for its new mobile version.

With the announcement of the 10.5-inch iPad Pro today at WWDC, Apple continues to push the idea that its tablet can be a feasible mobile workstation. Third-party developers have been urging the same, like Affinity Photo, piggybacked off Apple's event to release an iPad version of its professional image editing toolbox.

It's not the first photo editing software to grace Apple's tablets. For one, Adobe's mobile software, Lightroom, seceded from the company's cloud login service to become a standalone app back in October 2015. But Affinity Photo claims that its iPad version brings most of the toys and tools from its desktop version (both on Mac and the somewhat recent PC release) and optimizes them for the tablet's touch/Apple Pencil interface. The app is live on the App Store for a $20 introductory price.

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