Bitmoji's custom clothing makes your avatar more true to life
Mix and Match lets you pick virtual outfits piece-by-piece.
It's now easier to be a rugged individualist... as far as a digital avatar will allow, anyway. Snap is rolling out a Mix and Match option for Bitmoji on Android and iOS that, as the name implies, lets you customize your virtual persona's clothing on a piece-by-piece basis. Venture into the Avatar Designer in the Bitmoji or Snapchat apps and you can choose different tops, bottoms, shoes and other apparel that matches what you actually wear, or at least what you'd like to actually wear. Want to dress like a hypebeast? You can probably get close enough to let everyone know your tastes.
To help spur adoption, Snap is also offering a 20 percent discount on real-world Bitmoji Merch (such as shirts and mugs) through the holidays.
This concept of detailed personalization isn't new. However, it might give you a reason to stick with Bitmoji, Snapchat or both if you want a character that better reflects who you are. There's certainly no shortage of competition when Facebook is getting into the game. You probably aren't going to switch services just to get a more personal avatar, but Snap likely doesn't want to take that risk by letting its Bitmoji lag behind.