
Recommended Reading: What happens when bands don't tour

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By now, you've watched, or at least heard about, a musician who's cooped up at home turning to livestreams to connect with fans. While that does give the masses some form of entertainment to replace live events and tours, it doesn't help the behind-the-scenes crew who are out of work for the foreseeable future. Rolling Stone explains how stage crew, venue employees and more have been struggling since the all events came to a halt earlier this month.

As data is being revealed on a regular basis, the stats don't point to any significant reduction in crime caused by police departments' close association with Ring. Even in areas where crime did go down, it can be difficult to determine if sharing user info and camera footage made the difference.

You're stuck at home with little more to do than take a daily stroll around the block. Streaming a movie or a TV show is the obvious choice, but where should you begin? The Ringer offers some guidance. With recommendations that cover Netflix, Amazon, Hulu and Disney+, there's sure to be something you'll like. Or, at the very least, something that will help you pass a few hours.