
Recommended Reading: 2022 should be a big year for animated films

The week's best long-form writing on technology and more.

Sony Pictures Animation

The post-Spider-Verse revolution feels alive in 2022’s animation slate

Alicia Haddick, Polygon

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse was a game-changer for animated films. It blended 2D and CG masterfully, creating a new vision for what movies could be. As we venture into 2022, there's a massive slate of films that will continue to push boundaries — including Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Part One).

The subversive genius of extremely slow email

Ian Bogost, The Atlantic

An email app sends and receives email more like you would snail mail: once per day. Could subversive projects like this provide relief from the instant interaction Big Tech has transformed our lives into? And if they do, will we be content with the results?

Ailing Amazon workers struggle to find COVID tests themselves

Louise Matsakis, NBC News

Amazon was providing on-site COVID-19 testing at its facilities during the pandemic, but with cases surging to all-time highs, the company's workforce is struggling to get what they need to clock in safely.