

  • Rock Band Stage Kit won't smoke and strobe with The Beatles

    We get the feeling that few Rock Band Stage Kits were sold to begin with, but those who proudly plunked down a Benjamin on this when it originally shipped were probably stoked to use it with The Beatles: Rock Band. Unfortunately for "those people," such a scenario won't ever be possible... at least, not without some serious DIY tinkering on the user end. Harmonix has confirmed to our pals over at Joystiq that a compatibility patch won't ever be produced for the newest RB title, and when pressed about compatibility with future titles, the rep simply stated that the company "hasn't announced any future titles at this time." Looks like this party's over, folks.

    Darren Murph
  • Harmonix auctions off custom Beatles Xbox for charity, free publicity

    We're sure you've already heard about the kerfuffle surrounding the use of Kurt Cobain's likeness in a Guitar Hero avatar. Maybe it's a generational thing (or maybe it speaks to the difference between the temperaments of Ms. Ono and Ms. Love) but while the former members of Nirvana are not amused by their treatment at the hands of videogame consoles 'round the world, it's nearly unanimous in the Beatles camp: Beatles Rock Band is awesome. If you're looking to indulge your Fab Four fixation -- and if money's no object -- you might want to head on over to eBay and peep the first of fifty Xbox 360s being auctioned off for by Harmonix. Bidding started off at $780, but as of Sunday afternoon it's over $17,000 -- with over four days left to go! Designed by Passion Pictures (the kids responsible for animating Gorillaz), proceeds go to Doctors without Borders. Please insert your own Courtney Love joke here. [Via T3]

  • Video: Beatles Rock Band books surprise gig at Xbox 360 meetup

    Last night Microsoft held an E3 2009 post-press conference event, and while Natal wasn't anywhere within our reach, we did happen upon Harmonix's Beatles Rock Band stage, an appropriately cliché setup on the rooftop of The Standard Hotel. We'll be getting more thorough hands-on time with the instruments later in the week, but for now, enjoy a glimpse at the concert ensemble, blasting forth with (confirmed!) three-part harmony.

    Ross Miller
  • Video: Beatles Rock Band trailer, screenshots, Ludwig drums unveiled at E3

    Today at E3 some seriously awesome Beatles Rock Band awesomeness was unloaded upon the world. In addition to getting a look at the full band set-up, confirming that you will, in fact be able to perform multiple vocals (read: harmonies), Harmonix also showed off the general in-game madness we can expect. We're filled with glee to see that no corners were cut here, and we agree with Ringo's estimation: the game is good. The Beatles: Rock Band will be released simultaneously for XBox 360, PS3 and Wii in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and other territories. Check out the totally rad trailer, our first shot of the Ludwig drums and another screenshot after the break and in the gallery below.

  • Paul McCartney's Rock Band Höfner bass gets pictured, lacks genuineness

    Sigh. It's like making a Jag-Stang for righties -- it just ain't right, kids. Hot on the heels of seeing the other special edition Rock Band axes designed for the forthcoming Beatles title comes this, Sir Paul McCartney's Rock Band Höfner bass replica. At a glance, most everything looks to be legitimate, but considering that it's clearly tailored for those who lean right, it'll never be authentic in our minds. Yeah, that's our southpaw pride we're wearing on our sleeves -- what of it?

    Darren Murph
  • Beatles Rock Band pre-order is on, custom guitars are a go

    If you're like us, you're literally counting down the days until The Beatles: Rock Band is released (127). So, the news that it's now available for pre-order is, shall we say... exciting to us. Even more enthralling is confirmation of our wildest dreams: there will be two custom guitars available for purchase on top of the Special Edition bundle (the game itself, Höfner bass and Ludwig drums microphone and mike stand). The guitars -- a Gretsch Duo-Jet and a Rickenbacker 325 -- will retail for $99.00 each when the game arrives on September 9th. Until then, may we suggest you use the video after the break to work on your harmonies.[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Beatles Rock Band features multi-mic support, harmonious performances?

    Wouldn't it be great if you and your mop top-clad friends could all sing together in the upcoming The Beatles: Rock Band? According to a rumor found in the latest issue of Game Informer, Harmonix is doing just that: including multiple-microphone support for players to harmonize on the tracks. Not much else is given, but a NeoGAF forum poster who last week claimed to have played an early version adds that three mics were being used -- one for each instrument -- and there was also a new harmony trainer mode to ensure your vocal talents were up to snuff. We'd advise a good bit of skepticism, no matter how much sense it seems to make or how many of you dreams would come true if this turned out legit. In the meantime, you can go back to deciding which of the Fab Four you're gonna pretend to be first when the game launches on September 9.[Via Joystiq]Read - Multi-mic supportRead - Harmony trainer

    Ross Miller
  • Beatles Rock Band bundle will boast Höfner bass, Ludwig-branded drums

    Not really surprising to hear, but exciting none the less... according to a teaser email sent out to people on The Beatles: Rock Band mailing list -- the special edition bundle will include a custom branded Höfner bass and Ludwig drums. The email also mentions other "custom" content, which we are hoping will be either a Rickenbacker guitar like the one Lennon often used or a gigantic Harrison-esque moustache / beard combo. We're just going to have to wait it out together guys -- it's not expected until September 9th -- so let's chill and enjoy the video after the break.

  • The Beatles come to 'Rock Band,' instruments and all (update)

    Do you love the Beatles? Do you love Rock Band? Are you ready to totally lose it? If you said yes, that's good -- because MTV Games and Harmonix have just announced a partnership with Apple Corps, Ltd. to bring the band's music and instruments to the Rock Band universe. According to the PR, the game (which apparently lets you do all kinds of awesome Beatles-related rocking) will also premiere with a set of new hardware "modeled after instruments used by John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr throughout their career." Right now they've just got a holder page up with a launch date of September 9th, but as soon as we get our eyes on the gear, we'll let you know.Update: Here's some more information to cleanse your pallet. The game, known henceforth as The Beatles: Rock Band, will be sold software-only for $60 on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii (note the extra Hamilton over the usual Nintendo pricing). The standalone guitars will be sold separately for $100, and if you're opting for the Limited Edition Premium Bundle, featuring the game and all instruments, it'll set you back $250. No word on pricing outside of US just yet. Despite the Rock Band branding, it's considered a standalone title and no one is talking right now about any connectivity, downloadable content or transferring of songs between Beatles and other RB games. According to Joystiq, you'll be able to rock out to 45 songs from the band's 1962 to 1969 EMI catalog. Full press release after the break.

    Joshua Topolsky