ben heck


  • Killzone 3 has considerably less input lag than its predecessor

    Digital Foundry has taken its mathematical approach to examining the deep inner workings of games to whole new heights with is recent lag analysis of the Killzone 3 multiplayer beta. Using a special controller (designed by modder extraordinaire Ben Heck), the DF team measured the exact amount of time that passed between pressing R1 and the in-game gun actually firing a bullet: 116ms. According to the blog, that's about 33ms shorter than the lag present in Killzone 2, which apparently makes a world of difference in twitchy shooters of this ilk. Check out a video of the group's study, as well as a few other odds and ends about the technical side of the beta, over on Eurogamer.

    Griffin McElroy
  • Latest Ben Heck Show helps you build your very own Portal Shirt

    Considering that you're an avid viewer of The Ben Heck Show, we're assuming this is old news to you and yours. On the off-chance that you missed the last episode, we're here to rope you back into reality. Embedded past the break is a video filled with love, laughter and legitimate instructions on building your very own Portal t-shirt. According to Benjamin, the system consists of a front-mounted LCD, pocket-mounted battery pack and rear-mounted camera, and naturally, it's being released just prior to Halloween. You now know exactly what you have to do.

    Darren Murph
  • Ben Heck makes Xbox 360 'Slim' portable, still won't make a briefcase feel fat (video)

    As always in the world of handmade portable consoles, the word "slim" is a very, very relative term. Appropriately you wouldn't call Ben Heck's latest creation svelte by any means, but it is considerably smaller than his 2009 version, 1.5-inches skinnier and an inch shorter. Despite that it now has an internal power supply and is even quieter than before. The system's touch power and eject buttons work as expected here, and up top is a 17-inch Gateway LCD that manages a full 720p's worth of pixels. Want one? The model pictured above is being given away as part of a contest on The Ben Heck Show, but he's making two others that are available to, you know, purchase if you have the means.

    Tim Stevens
  • Hand-crank flashlight +soldering + Ben Heck = man-powered HTC EVO 4G charger

    Batteries die, and when your phone has a WiMAX antenna plus dual cameras and a gigantic screen, well, those batteries tend to meet their maker sooner than later. Enter hacker extraordinaire Ben Heck with a simple and cheap solution: a hand-powered charger. Ben took an inexpensive flashlight with a crank on it, disassembled it, and ran the leads from the internal motor to his HTC EVO 4G. The exciting (or at least excited) video below is proof that it works, but we're wondering which would die first: the 4G's battery, or your arm after cranking on this thing for an hour or two.

    Tim Stevens
  • Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor goes button-free on Kinect

    Well, this is ... unexpected. The "Steel Battalion" franchise, perhaps best remembered for its 1,980-button controller, is coming to a platform that requires none. Microsoft has just announced that From Software will bring Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor to the 360 via Kinect. Well, technically, Microsoft just said the game will have "Kinect Enablement," so we guess there's still a chance you'll be able to play with a standard controller, we can't say for sure. Now those of you who already own Steel Battalion controllers ... well, you're probably out of luck. Maybe a job for Ben Heck? %Gallery-102396%

    Justin McElroy
  • PSA: The Ben Heck Show starts today

    Perhaps you missed our first missive last week about Ben Heckendorn's new modding show on Revision3? That's a real shame. But no worries -- it starts today! Wanna learn how to make a one-handed Xbox 360 controller or take apart an Xbox 360 Slim? This show is for you.

    Ben Gilbert
  • Ben Heck getting his own show beginning September 13

    Notorious modder Ben Heckendorn (aka "Ben Heck") is taking on a new challenge -- turn a show about modding into entertainment. The press release detailing his new show says it'll be starting on September 13 and we're told it'll be hosted on both element14 (its sponsor) as well as internet TV channel Revision3. The show's premiere episode will see Heck mod a game controller "for an avid gamer with a serious disability," with subsequent shows to be released every other week. And though we're not sure if he'd be interested, if Heck could figure out a solution to our colorblind issues with certain games, he'll hold a spot in our hearts forever. Head below the fold to see the show's first trailer.

    Ben Gilbert
  • The Ben Heck Show launching next week, right into your regular viewing rotation

    Oh, Ben -- how far you've come. But now that you're about to star in your very own web show, don't ever forget that we had you first. Pleasantries aside, we couldn't be more thrilled to hear that the man responsible for pushing the art of modding into the mainstream is set to host a bi-weekly web TV show on the subject. The Ben Heck Show will see its first episode published on September 13th, where Ben showcases a mod of a controller for an avid gamer with a serious disability. Future episodes will highlight "projects inspired by the modder community, ranging from mods for a particular need to gadgets that help electronic enthusiasts work and play faster," which means that you and yours can send in ideas that may end up on the show. Head on past the break for a trailer, and be sure to pencil this one in right beside our own Engadget Show when it comes time for viewing pleasure. P.S. - Congrats, Ben!

    Darren Murph
  • Nimbus 64: the latest in a long line of gorgeous portable N64 mods

    For whatever reason, the last great game console to utilize a cartridge over a disc is finding itself in yet another portable form factor, and of course, the Nimbus 64 has been crafted by one of Ben Heck's most loyal followers. One cndowning is responsible for this beaut, and it's actually his second homemade portable; this particular miniaturized Nintendo 64 uses a custom vacuum formed case, D-pads and control sticks from used Game Cube controllers, a Zenith PS1 display and plenty of nuts and bolts that only the hardcore modders in attendance would understand. Per usual, we'd recommend heading down to the links below for more details and images, the latter of which are likely to make you exceedingly envious of the DIY skills exhibited here.

    Darren Murph
  • Ben Heck's PS3 Slim laptop is newer, bluer and way more convenient

    The more modder Ben Heckendorn continues to improve his design on each iteration of the PS3 Slim laptop, the more we think about parting with the outrageously high sum of money it would require to get our hands on it. This latest model comes with an external A/V port, so it can plug into a larger screen "for home use." There's also a headphone jack and a power cable which slides right into the body of the device, increasing its portability by roughly a factor of eight. You can check out a demo of the latest, and arguably greatest, version of the PS3 Slim laptop just past the jump. [Via Techland]

    Griffin McElroy
  • Leaked Xbox 360 'Valhalla' motherboard analyzed by Ben Heck

    Sure, you might've seen the purported Xbox 360 Valhalla motherboard leaked yesterday... but have you ever really seen it? There's a subtle difference, one that requires you gaze through the ocular receptors of our dearest old friend (he hates when we call him that) Ben Heck. Joystiq sat down with him to deconstruct the pictures and get his take on all the hardware nuances. First and foremost, there appears to be no connectors that "look remotely like a Xbox 360 memory card reader," which lends credence to the thought process they might be going the way of the dinosaur. WiFi is still missing in action, and as for Project Natal integration, Heck's highly doubtful that's in the cards, though he shares our mindset that a bundle would make sense. The big question is size reduction, and to that our game console laptop guru suggests that, given the constraints due to a DVD drive, the best we can expect is a one-inch drop in height (standing console), 0.5 inches in depth, and just "slightly thinner." Sorry folks, looks like even in your wildest dreams, it'll still tower over the Nintendo Wii. A great read, don your thinking cap, give yourself 15 minutes, and hit up the source.

    Ross Miller
  • Ben Heck ponders Xbox 360 Slim: Motherboard, Memory Unit support, internal hard drive

    Full image after break digg_url = ''; In light of recent Xbox 360 hardware news, like pictures revealing an alleged Xbox 360 Slim motherboard and documentation of USB storage in a future update, we decided to see if the two stories tied together in some technical way. Surprisingly, they just might. Modding artist, hardware sculptor and warranty wrecker, Ben Heck, told us that if the leaked Slim motherboard is legitimate, not only does he see no place for memory cards (lending even more credence to USB storage for data transfer), but he dropped on us the idea that it may also have an internal hard drive. To emphasize, this conversation is speculation based on potential evidence that has not been confirmed by Microsoft. Joystiq: Okay, before we go any further, explain this internal hard drive theory? Ben Heckendorn: Well if you look at the upper left of the board, there appear to be (2) SATA connections. One is clearly for the DVD-ROM, of course, but what's the other one for? My guess is an internal hard drive. How it connects I'm not sure, but why else have 2 SATA connectors? Also there's an extra plug that could be hard drive power (next to DVD power). Now, after looking at the board, you said you were "99 percent sure" there are no Xbox 360 memory card slots. Please explain. None of the connectors look remotely like an Xbox 360 memory card reader [Ed: See one after break]. Keep in mind the memory cards were kind of a "Trojan horse" to have a hard drive-less (cheap) 360 back in 2005. Now, especially with built-in memory since the Jaspers, they are essentially useless. Why waste money and space on adding something none of your new customers will even need? Of note: The memory cards were basically USB devices, except they ran off 3.3 volts and had security chips to authenticate them, as do all Xbox 360 peripherals.

  • Ben Heck completes the Bill Paxton Pinball machine, reasserts supremacy

    Just in case you thought Ben Heck was being caught up by his acolytes, our favorite superhero modder has come back today with the completed Bill Paxton Pinball machine. You might remember the rough version of this glorious homage to one of the world's most mediocre actors from that time we visited Ben at his home / lair. It has now been fully fleshed out, painted, spit-shined, tested, and slapped with a badge of completion. You want to see it in action? We've got video of that. You want to see how it was built? We've got video of that too. You'll find the moving pictures after the break, but don't neglect the source as it also contains photo galleries and a walkthrough of the design process.

    Vlad Savov
  • Student-made Xbox 360 laptop channels the Heck out of... well, you know

    Few can build 'em like Benjamin Heckendorn. Fewer still bother to try. Two college kids managed to do a bang-up job anyhow building this fully loaded, Jasper-juiced Xbox 360 laptop. With a built-in 17-inch Gateway monitor, keyboard, functioning Xbox Live camera and Wireless Network Adapter, this brick hits all the right notes -- yet remains remarkably stylish for a learn-as-you-go student project. If you agree, you can read a remarkably detailed account of how they built it at the source link, see a proof-of-completion video after the break, or even further their education by purchasing the mean machine on eBay for your very own.

    Sean Hollister
  • World's first portable Sega Saturn has a face only a gamer could love

    We'll start by saying that this perhaps the most aesthetically challenged portable console we've ever seen, and while it is a bit more slim than that "portable" GameCube we spied a few years back, it too is hardly pocketable. So why cover it? Because it's the first and only legitimate way to get your Fighters Megamix fix while on the go. (No, the version does not count). It was created by a modder who goes by the handle Evil Nod over at the forums and contains what looks to be a full-sized console re-skinned and surrounded by a one of the system's optional analog controllers split in two. There's a 7-inch screen front and center and a nine volt battery 'round he back. The result ain't pretty, but we'd let it spin our Panzer Dragoon collection anytime. [Thanks, ttsgeb]

    Tim Stevens
  • Ben Heck's PS3 Slim laptop going for broke on eBay

    If you're an extremely nomadic gamer with a couple of grands in the bank to spare, you might be interested to learn that Ben Heck's ultra slick PS3 Slim laptop is now up for grabs on eBay. As you might remember, the portable-ized device was originally purchased by gaming retailer The Score, then raffled off to one of the shop's customers. Now that customer is selling it on eBay. We certainly hope that, at some point, somebody will play the damn thing. Please, if you've got the extra $2,000, won't you give this poor creature a permanent, loving home? [Via Engadget]

    Griffin McElroy
  • Ben Heck's PS3 Slim laptop pops up for sale on Ebay

    You're probably already familiar with the work of modder / hacker extraordinaire, Benjamin Heckendorn... and if you're not, well, maybe it's time to familiarize yourself with his work. Regardless, some of his fantastic handiwork has shown up on Ebay for sale, and while we don't want to counsel you to foolishlessly spend loads of hard-earned cash, this is bound to be an heirloom one day. The listing here is for Ben's PS3 Slim laptop -- the one modded from a 17-inch Gateway 1775w LCD with a 1280 x 720 pixel resolution -- and its currently at around $1,075.00 with 16 bids on it and roughly 3 days remaining. So if this kind of thing strikes your fancy (and we know that it does) hop to it! Check out our segment of The Engadget Show we filmed at Ben's evil laboratory after the break. Update: It looks like the auction has been pulled just recently, though we're not sure why. Thanks for the heads up, Wesley H. Update 2: And it's back! Phew.

  • Modder crafts handheld wireless visual interface for PS3, makes us want

    We tell ya -- Ben Heck's apprentices are the best. One techknott has just finished up his latest creation, a WVI (wireless visual interface) for Sony's PlayStation 3 console. The purpose? To transmit signals to and from the PS3 by way of this handy handheld. A 1.2GHz wireless transmitter is used to get the controller commands to the PS3, and the same is used in reverse to get the video signals from the console to the homegrown device. The device itself utilizes a 5-inch LCD, 4,500mAh Li-ion battery (complete with a LED capacity meter), an AV input, headphone jack, USB port and a button for every last DualShock command. Hop on past the break for a video, and head to the source if you're interested in making an offer for it. Yeah, we said it -- dude's going to be selling this! [Thanks, Aguiluz]

    Darren Murph
  • Portable GameCube hack brings Sunshine everywhere it goes

    The disc drive out back may be a bit precariously placed, but 'Hailrazer"'s portable "NCube" reeks of everything we'd want in a handheld version of the last-gen Nintendo console (except for wireless multiplayer, of course). Engadget spotted the 90-hour-in-the-making portable GameCube over on – surprise, surprise! – the Ben Heck forums. A breakdown of the construction process can be found just after the break in video form, though you may want to set up the drool tray now before proceeding. All set? Alright, now go ahead. [Via Engadget] %Gallery-30588%

    Ben Gilbert
  • The NCube: probably the best portable Gamecube of all time (video)

    Oh sure, we've seen a few "portable" Gamecube systems over the years, but we've yet to set our eyes on anything as glorious as this. Not surprisingly, the NCube's creator is yet another Ben Heck apprentice, with the case being a heavily modded Datamax Kid's Delight and the display an unmodded Zenith PSone. There's a 2-way switch for running off of batteries or the AC outlet, a relocated memory card slot and a rear-mounted disc drive that's just begging to be broken. Hit the read link for a look at 90 grueling hours of work, or just jump past the break for a celebratory video. [Thanks, Jonathan]

    Darren Murph