expressionist plus


  • Altec Lansing FX3021 Expressionist Plus reviewed, deemed good value

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Speakers might be among the worst hardware to assess online. What do 36 watts of power output and a 40Hz to 20kHz response range tell you about the actual audio quality? A kindly soul over at Macworld has tried to clear that up for us with a review of Altec Lansing's prettified Expressionist Plus 2.1 setup. The tiltable satellites score design points for their looks, though that all-important sound output was deemed only middle of the road. Real bass response begins at somewhere around 70Hz and the midrange is, well, middling, though treble definition is considered rich and well detailed. The reviewer also notes that while the design is attractive, the positioning of the power button and extra audio input on the subwoofer makes for awkward day-to-day use. On the whole, with online prices in the vicinity of $75, this looks like a decent value, so hit up the full review if your interest has been piqued.