

  • Google Videos rental app makes fleeting cameo in Market, portends of an imminent release

    The original Google Videos is going to be mighty huffy about this. Not only has it endured repeated attempts on its life following Big G's acquisition of YouTube, but now its very identity has been humiliatingly copied and pasted onto an entirely different service. The new Google Videos is a movie rental app that will give Android users in the US mobile access to the 3,000+ premium titles that are already available to rent on a desktop. So far, no one has been able to break out the popcorn except a few lucky Xoom owners, but last night the app mysteriously became available to everyone else in Android Market, too. Unfortunately, those quick triggers who managed to install the app before it disappeared were rewarded with a riveting succession of server errors, but at least it gives us hope that the real-deal will be with the masses in short order. Google Videos is dead, long live Google Videos.

    Sharif Sakr
  • Google Video shutdown halted for now, Google slinging content over to YouTube itself

    Seems Google sparked a bit of spirited debate when it decided to pull the plug on Google Video, because the company's put that plan on indefinite hold, telling users that it's looking for "an easier way" to migrate its massive archives of video to YouTube. Originally, Google gave users an ultimatum to download videos (or just tap a simple "Upload Videos to YouTube" button) before it erased them for good, but now Mountain View plans to automatically transfer content to YouTube itself. Why wasn't that the plan from day one? We'd guess that hosting terabytes of streaming video isn't cheap, folks.

    Sean Hollister