

  • Guitar Hero DS hack lets you shred on a full-size guitar

    Like many others, Eric Ruckman found that the DS controller add-on for Guitar Hero: On Tour left a bit to be desired but, unlike most folks, he didn't just go back to playing on his console of choice -- he actually went all out and pieced together a full-size rig out of a PS2 Guitar Hero controller. As you can see above, that includes a special housing for the DS itself (it's still used for strumming), and even a built-in FM transmitter with its own screen, which lets him pump the audio through his home sound system. Still not impressed? Head on past the break to see it in action.

    Donald Melanson
  • Guitar Hero: On Tour for the DS now on sale

    Alright, so Guitar Hero: On Tour technically went on sale on Sunday, but who launches a game on Sunday? Anyway, the DS version of the rocker franchise is now available, goofy Guitar Grip accessory included, for just $49 of your hard-fought dollars. Reviews of the control system have been pretty positive so far, and the game itself looks like it's a solidly fun time -- even if that insanely bad promo video had us convinced otherwise for a while. Rockers -- to arms![Thanks, Wraggster]

    Nilay Patel
  • Guitar Hero: On Tour promo video makes grown men cry

    If you've been wondering just how you're going to play Guitar Hero on the DS, the answer is upon you. For the extreme in cringe-worthy videos, we present the Guitar Hero: On Tour promo, replete with some of the worst faux-rock music and singing your ears and eyes have ever been subjected to. If this doesn't make you want to impale yourself on the nearest sharp object, nothing will. We're not sure if they were going for irony here -- all we see is fail... oh, and the game looks pretty impossible to play too. Video after the break.[Via Digg]

    Joshua Topolsky
  • Guitar Hero: On Tour to land in Nintendo DS bundle this June

    There's not a lot of details on this one just yet, but Activision CEO Mike Griffith has dropped word in an earnings conference call that the company's upcoming Guitar Hero: On Tour game / controller combo will not only be released on its own this June, but in a new Nintendo DS bundle as well. No word on a price, unfortunately, nor is there any indication that the DS itself will be undergoing any Guitar Hero-inspired changes, but it seems like those little details should be making themselves known soon enough.

    Donald Melanson