Peek Pronto


  • Peek experiences permanent outage for older devices, vows to replace with free Peek 9

    Thinking of upgrading your Peek or Peek Pronto to a shiny new Peek 9? You may no longer have a choice -- following an epic fail when migrating to a new network provider, loads of older devices were reportedly fried. Normally consumer outrage would run rampant at this news, but Peek CEO Amol Sarva has a plan -- he's offering brand-new Peek 9s to existing customers, free of charge. It's not clear what will happen to the older units at this point, but a Peek customer service rep says that while fried QWERTY candybars are no more, the unscathed Peeks might possibly be turned back on. "We are currently waiting on T-Mobile to decide our fate," the rep wrote, "There is still a CHANCE that the sky is not falling and older devices will continue to work." In the meantime, Sarva has an amusing instruction for affected customers looking to get in on the deal: "Just check your email." [Thanks, standingup]

    Sean Hollister
  • Peek Pronto with lifetime service: $299

    Peek -- the handheld, bare bones email device which recently celebrated its first birthday -- has just launched a deal that's actually quite a deal. You can now get a Peek Pronto (the latest model) with lifetime service for $299. The Amazon exclusive includes all Peek's standard subscription features -- up to five email accounts with unlimited Push emailing, plus extras like its Twitter and Facebook feeds, -- only this time, it's forever. The deal will cover any future device upgrade you might make, too. If you or anyone you know were ever on the fence about buying one of these badboys, now is probably the time.

  • Peek manages to survive a whole year, promises more features for year two

    We actually first caught wind of the Peek email-only handheld around 13 months ago, but today Peek is celebrating its first year as a company with a shipping product. During the past year, it has managed to ship two distinct devices and a good bit of functionality, but most importantly, it has managed to survive. Not sure if you've noticed, but the past dozen months have been twelve of the most tumultuous (financially, anyway) in American history, yet this startup is still going strong and looking forward to a second year full of "new features and services" and even a few international launches. Generally we don't stop to wish companies a happy first birthday, but seriously -- how many of you expected this firm to be around in late 2009?Read - First Peek birthdayRead - Tales of survival

    Darren Murph
  • Peek cuts Peek Classic, Peek Pronto prices to $19.95 and $59.95

    Peek's already offered lifetime subscriptions and all sorts of other incentives in the hope of wooing folks away from more expensive smartphones, and it looks like the company's now giving good old fashioned price cuts a(nother) try. As The Wall Street Journal reports, the basic Peek Classic has been slashed to just $19.95, down from the original $99.95 (or $49.95 more recently), while the Peek Pronto, which adds push email and Exchange support (among other features), will now run you $59.95 instead of the $79.95 it demanded when it launched just back in March. Service, however, remains at the same $20 per month as before.

    Donald Melanson
  • Engadget's recession antidote: win a Peek Pronto with a free year of service!

    This whole global economic crisis, and its resulting massive loss of jobs got us thinking. We here at Engadget didn't want to stand helplessly by, announcing every new round of misery without giving anything back -- so we decided to take the opportunity to spread a little positivity. We'll be handing out a new gadget every day (except for weekends) to lucky readers until we run out of stuff / companies stop sending things. Today we've got TWO (2!) Peek Prontos on offer. That's right -- your chances of winning today are much higher than normal because we've got two of them to give away. Read the rules below (no skimming -- we're omniscient and can tell when you've skimmed) and get commenting!Special thanks to Peek for providing the gear!The rules: Leave a comment below. Any comment will do, but if you want to share your ideas for fixing the economy, that would be cool too. You may only enter this specific giveaway once. If you enter this giveaway more than once you'll be automatically disqualified, etc. (Yes, we have robots that thoroughly check to ensure fairness.) If you enter more than once, only activate one comment. This is pretty self explanatory. Just be careful and you'll be fine. Contest is open to anyone in the 50 States, 18 or older! Sorry, we don't make this rule (we hate excluding anyone), so be mad at our lawyers and contest laws if you have to be mad. Winner will be chosen randomly. The winners will receive one Peek Pronto and one year of free service. Approximate value is $320. If you are chosen, you will be notified by email. Winners must respond within three days of the end of the contest. If you do not respond within that period, another winner will be chosen. Entries can be submitted until Friday, March 27th, 11:59PM ET. Good luck! Full rules can be found here.

  • Peek Pronto: Push email, Exchange support, multiple accounts

    Boy, Peek wasn't kidding when it called its new device Pronto. With nary a press announcement to froth up the minds of mobile emailers the device has rushed straight to availability for $79.95, sadly in just one color. What does the $30 premium over the earlier Peek get you? Push email, Exchange support, and the device now allows for up to five accounts (the previous maxed out at two). The Pronto also supports PDF and Word attachments and (so the company claims) has overall faster performance (by 50 percent says the PR). Peek is also advertising unlimited text messaging, and while we're not yet sure if that's any different than the limited support the last model had, the Pronto should help you keep in touch with your daughter and your mother in one device. Service is still just $19.95, shipping now to the eager hands of complexity-averse messaging addicts everywhere.Update: According to the PR, the Pronto is available exclusively at from March 24th until March 31st, then will begin selling at April 1st, and in stores at Radio Shack come April 8th. Also, it's worth noting that the company has retooled the keyboards on the new devices, making the previously stiff keys a bit easier on the thumbs.[Thanks, Mike H.]

    Tim Stevens
  • Peek Pronto: is a new Peek device on its way?

    We don't have much to go on here save for the image above (which a tipster discovered on Peek's page). If we had to take a flying leap, we'd say that the company does indeed have something on the way -- perhaps a 3G device? That's pure speculation, but if anyone out there on the interblogs knows anything we don't, feel free to pass it along!Update: It looks like Peek can't help themselves. On their hacky blog, Geeky Peek, they offer this tasty morsel:Pronto is LeakedWhat is Pronto?I don't have much to say, but I will give a leak away.. it is much, much faster in every way possible.The time to open a menu on 1.08 is .09 seconds. The time to open a menu on Pronto, .04 seconds!!!!

    Joshua Topolsky