

  • Steve Ballmer says Microsoft won't 'leave any space uncovered to Apple'

    Steve Ballmer delivered a fair bit of news during his keynote at the company's Worldwide Partner Conference in Toronto yesterday, but it looks like he saved some of his stronger words for an interview he gave to CRN following his talk. In it, he boldly said that "we are trying to make absolutely clear we are not going to leave any space uncovered to Apple," adding, "not the consumer cloud. Not hardware software innovation. We are not leaving any of that to Apple by itself. Not going to happen. Not on our watch." Asked if that included a change in its smartphone strategy, Ballmer said that "right now we are working real hard on the Surface. That's the focus. That's our core," although he did add a "look, we'll see what happens" before talking up its current partners. He also reaffirmed that Microsoft's retail stores and website will be the primary sources for Surface tablets initially, noting that the company's focus was on putting "one foot in front of the other" and getting it out the door, although he added that there's nothing stopping partners from ordering them from and selling them.

    Donald Melanson
  • Microsoft confirms Windows 8 will reach RTM stage in August, consumers in October

    Speaking during Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Conference keynote in Toronto, Corporate VP and CFO Tami Reller announced that the software giant will release Windows 8 to manufacturers next month. She also confirmed the previous October ship target -- that being the timeframe that consumers can expect to pick up a Windows 8-equipped machine, or presumably upgrade from a previous version of the OS. There's not much to report beyond that -- manufacturers will see Windows 8 next month, while the rest of us will need to hang tight until the fall.

    Zach Honig
  • Microsoft Store to expand retail presence by 2014, makes shopping for a PC redundant

    Microsoft really wants to hang with the cool kids at the mall. Or, at least park its retail derriere next to the likes of Apple's sleek boutiques -- to the tally of 86 stores by 2014. We know most of you are scratching your heads thinking, "Microsoft store? Don't you mean Best Buy?" Aye, but we don't. The MS-branded outfits started cropping up in 2009 and with 11 locations already dotting our map, COO Kevin Turner hopes to plant some more Windows flags in California, Florida, most of the northeast and even some overseas territories. Comments regarding the Ballmer-led company's retail expansion came during the 2011 Worldwide Partner Conference and centered mostly on the benefits of customer feedback. It sure is nice to see the former market monopolist catering to us plebes, but we're more interested in the D-list stars and awkward dancing destined to accompany opening ceremonies.

    Joseph Volpe
  • Swype spotted swiftly slinging fingers across Windows 7 screens?

    That's not your grandpappy's touchscreen panel, nor his standard Windows 7 input method of choice, oh no -- unless our eyes deceive us, we're looking at a 3M M2256PW ten-finger multitouch display, and on it, a genuine Swype keyboard. Though we've heard nothing about a partnership between Microsoft and Swype and we see nary a mention on the internet at large, there's no denying the idea -- spotted during last week's Internet Explorer demo at Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Conference -- is an attractive one. The question is when and how Redmond might deliver such functionality to the existing OS... and if we might possibly see the same on the company's upcoming phones as well. See it in action at the source link, and fast forward to 2:58:30 for the goods. Trust us and skip ahead -- we've got a feeling you won't want to hear Microsoft kick this party off. [Thanks, Abed R.]

    Sean Hollister
  • Windows Phone Live to offer remote wipe, location, and sync for your Windows Phone 7 device

    See, Android owners don't ever lose their phones, so that's why they don't need this capability... right? Right? Hot on the heels of yesterday's news that RIM would be delivering a comprehensive remote wipe solution to BlackBerrys this year, Andy Lees is mentioning at Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Conference today that an all-new Windows Phone Live website will figure prominently into the Windows Phone 7 equation when devices launch toward the end of 2010. It looks like the site is divided into two, arguably equally important parts: a sync function, which lets you transfer photos directly from your phone (a la Kin Studio, perhaps?), move OneNote content, synchronize contacts, and so on, and a suite of tools for dealing with a lost or stolen device -- you'll be able to remotely wipe it, locate it, lock it, or just make it ring until you drive the thief out of his gourd. On a related note, Lees is also announcing that we'll be seeing the first volley of Windows Phone 7 devices in five languages -- English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish -- and that Windows Phone Marketplace (the Windows Phone 7 version of it, presumably) will be available in 17 countries out of the gate. That's not what we'd call global domination, of course, but you've got to start somewhere.

    Chris Ziegler