
Samsung's P510 flip-phone for lazy people


We're not sure what Samsung was thinking when they decided that people could no longer flip open a phone by themselves, but their new P510 doesn't require you to do anything as strenuous as open it yourself — you just press a button and the work is done for you. It even closes with the press of a button, too. We guess this might make it easier to use the phone when you can't spare an extra hand because you're holding on for dear life while riding the bus. Or maybe they were hoping to appeal to fans of classic Star Trek or even The Matrix or something, but Samsung already tried making phones that do that and those failed miserably.

Anyway, the P510 does have one redeeming gadget factor — 65,000 color OLED display on the outside that always stays on. Maybe they've finally managed to lower the screen's power consumption to the miniscule levels OLED manufacturers have been promising us for years — or maybe the battery only lasts half a day.