
A new use of cellphones: creating Fashion Victims


fashion victims

Inspired by Anthony Dunne and Fiona Raby's Design Noir, the victims behind Fashion Victims wanted to create clothes and accessories that dealt with the interactions between all the electromagnetic radiation of our gadgets and the "real" world. Notice how cellphone conversations always seem to annoy everyone around the person talking? Your desire to gag that loud-talking-man on the bus is a perfect example. The Fashion Victims people take it a step further, with bags and shirts that get a little more ink-stained with each exposure to cellphone radiation (be sure to check out the video). Given how much people use their cellphones these days it'll probably take about four seconds to get totally stained, so fortunately they can be turned off when they've had enough, though not until we get a visual reminder of our impending sterility. Yay!</>