
Korea's cellphone universities

Korea university

We remember when it was a big deal that universities started wiring up their dorms with high-speed Internet connections (we were so happy that we could download that Christmas South Park clip). American universities are still trying hard to stay on the proverbial cutting edge, with campus-wide WiFi and stuff like Duke's free iPod handout (thanks, guys), but when it comes down to it, no one can compete with what they're doing in South Korea. Seoul's Sookmyoung Women's University already has a fully-functioning mobile campus where students use their mobile phones with built-in ID card to enter libraries, check out books and look up personal records, and in lecture halls students can just hit a button to record their attendance at lectures. We guess that's just par for the course in the country with the largest per capita Internet users, though we're more than just a little jealous that our college days are long past.