
Game Boy Advance Movie Player updated

GBA Movie Player

We couldn't be more psyched (in a somewhat embarrassing way) about this recent update to an already-cool little accessory for the Gameboy Advance. The newer version of the GBA Movie Player is smaller, cooler, and badder than ever. This little cartridge plugs into your Gameboy Advance and uses Compact Flash cards to play movies, audio files, e-books, and game emulation ROMs (legal, legal!). The included PC software will even rip DVDs into GBA Movie Player format. So check it: for $25, you can play MP3s, watch movies, play SNES ROMs, and come up with anything else you and your 31337 friends figure out (the unit promises to work with "homebrew" applications). And if you haven't ordered one yet, wait! There's more! You can also multi-task, meaning it will let you read an e-book while listening to music. It also comes with a CD that's chock-full of movies and all necessary software. Compact Flash cards are not included. So go forth and geek out. Because, after all, it is a "good and cool device for your GBA."

[Via PortaGame]