
Housekeeping: Search, Ask Engadget, My Yahoo, RSS feeds

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We've made a few changes and improvements to the site, so we figured it was high time for little update of everything that's been going on:

The big big news is that we've finally added a search box to the site (and we have a search page here). It can be little tricky to spot, but it's in the far right-hand column just below the text ads. We're still making improvements, but if you any suggestions or spot any bugs, please let us know here.

Ask Engadget

Ask Engadget finally gets its own section page (and RSS feed). Should make it easier if you just wanna skim through the past few months of questions and answers.

My Yahoo

My Yahoo
If you're a My Yahoo user, we also wanted to remind you that you can automatically add Engadget to your page simply by clicking the button at right.

Each section has its own RSS feed

We've mentioned this a couple of times before, but in case you're new around here, we've got separate RSS feeds for each of our sections (like if you just want the posts from our cellphones page, you can just get those). The links to each feed are buried a little bit down on each separate page, so we're putting the RSS feeds for all them together here so you can either pick and choose the ones you want. Collect 'em all!

Engadget main feed
Ask Engadget
Digital Cameras
Home Entertainment
Miscellaneous Gagdets
Portable Audio
Portable Video
Tablet PCs