
Treo 650: Coming soon from AT&T Wireless

AT&T Wireless Treo 650

We're pretty sure that Sprint is going to get the new Treo 650 first, but now it's also turned up on AT&T Wireless' website. They make a point of highlighting the fact that it's EDGE-capable, which means that you'll be able to get faster data connections on their version of the Treo 650 than on Sprint's version, at least in theory. They don't mention a release date on the site, but we made a quick call and the rep we spoke to said that they're hoping to have the 650 for sale by December 1st (but that's just a tentative date), and that even though the merger with Cingular went through the other day, there's a good chance that the Treo 650 you buy from them will have an AT&T Wireless logo emblazoned on it.

[Via TreoCentral]