
The Qoolqee Mystery Device



One look at the cool Qoolqee and we said "Oh, that's a Samsung." A little digging into WhoIs proved us right, as is hosted on Samsung's servers. But that still doesn't answer the question of what the heck this is. It looks a bit like a standard Samsung clamshell cell phone, but the text across the top clearly says "digital audio player." Is Samsung rebranding the Yepp? are they coming out with music player/phone combo designed to compete with new offering's like T-Mobile's SDA music? Ohhhh, what if it has a 1.5GB hard drive like the phone Samsung makes for the Korean market? We'd buy that for a dollar.

If you're crafty you might think the tiny text below the Qoolqee logo is some sort of clue, but we've transcribed it and can't find anything useful in there. It says "The representative piece for drinking, eating and shopping in Meju Resort is the carnival store placed in front of hotel." Maybe some of you can find a hidden message in there.

[Thanks, Josh]

UPDATE: Reader Justin just sent in a link to another URL that has a blurrier, but more complete, pic of the Qoolqee, as well as more details. We're pretty sure it's an MP3 player, and the rest of the details (256MB of RAM, 3D Dolby surround sound, an equalizer visual mode, and direct recording) seem to support that hypothesis.