
Sprint's Music ChoiceToday streaming audio service for cellphones

sanyo mm-7400

You gotta love how they roll out their streaming TV service first and their streaming music service second (you'd think it'd be the other way around), but Sprint just introduced a new service called Music Choice Today, which for six bucks a month lets subscribers stream different Internet radio stations to their cellphones. (They launched a one-frame-per-second video service called MobiTV last year, and then a 15 fps video service called Sprint TV back in August). Music Choice Today will only be available on a single phone for now—Sanyo's MM-7400 (pictured at right)—but sooner or later they'll introduce it on other handsets. Dear Sprint, how about just letting us stream whatever we want from whoever you want? We'd even be fine coughing up a few bucks a month to cover the extra bandwidth.