
Chaos Theory - Day 2

Chaos Theory

The future is looking bright, my friends. My second run with Chaos Theory, while not perfect, definitely eased some of my frustrations from the night before. My partner and I are committed to starting off slow, confining our multiplayer efforts to a single map, for now. We've chosen Orphanage, and until every little nook and cranny is burned into our memory banks we will not be moving on.

We took a few dry runs (no mercs) in Story Mode as spies, setting the time limit to infinite. Yeah, we looked like a couple of blind mice at first, but we were also kids again, exploring the woods behind his house. There's something deeply satisfying about running through a spooky, abandoned orphanage, albeit virtual, with a life-long friend-knowing that in reality we are separated by over 100 miles.

We were pleased to discover some true co-op opportunities�and yes, the �climb over� is still funny after a hundred times. I also think the kickable tin cans are a great touch, as is the doorbell outside. The map is big, without being too big�I was never much of a fan of the confined maps, like Warehouse, in SCPT. After a few rounds, a new player entered the match, so we exited back to the pre-game lobby, waited for the new guy�s buddy to join, and then launched it.

Needless to say, the first bunch of matches was rocky. We switched teams after each match, and the mercenary side won every time due to time running out. Both sides did a lot of aimless searching, and there was very little action. Eventually, the duo quit and a new pair entered.

By that point we were starting to gain some sense of the map and we actually had a successful run as spies�but just one. We played a few more matches and called it quits. Overall, it was a positive experience. I feel much more confident with my game and I can see myself spending the next several months with Chaos Theory.

The highlight of my night was definitely a downright dirty move with the new optical camou� suit. Since I haven�t quite grasped the vent system yet, I�ve been spending a lot of time creeping through the well-lit hallways. And obviously, that�s a sure way to bump into a merc. And on one such occasion, I caught a burst of bullets in my backside and found myself running for my life. I ended up at the bottom of a stairwell, dropped a smoke grenade and ran to the top. The merc was still on my tail, but had been slowed by the smoke�I could hear him huffing and puffing his way through.

In the SCPT days I would�ve kept running, or perhaps tried to face him head-on with some more smoke and a flash bang or two. But now, now I have new toys�. I held the �L� trigger and watched as I turned straight Predator. And here came Mr. Merc chugging right up the stairs. Can he really not see me???

And so I stood there, just to the side, and watched as he ran right past me. I turned, making my move, coming back into sight, but I was behind him now. He was mine. I reached out and grabbed him with the old chokehold. Then, just a few sweet nothings in his ear, and it was lights out�