
Pirates of Silicon Valley on DVD

pirates of silicon valley

If you're a true geek, you already know about this, but for those of you on the fringe it's newsworthy.

Pirates of Silicon Valley is to Mac geeks what Star Trek is to... well... Trekkies. It's the genuinely interesting story of how Apple Computer and Microsoft - and the men who founded them - came to be who they are today, although the emphasis is mostly on Jobs. The stellar cast features Anthony Michael Hall doing a surprisingly good Bill Gates and ER heartthrob Noah Wyle as a very convincing (albeit slightly more handsome) Steve Jobs. So convincing that he fooled an entire keynote crowd at the 1999 Macworld conference.

If you have never seen Pirates, you'll get your chance on August 30th when it's finally being released on DVD. Even if you have seen it, this is a must-own DVD for all geeks. Makes a great ChristmasHanukahKwanzaaBoxing Day Holiday gift too!