
Got any questions you'd want to ask Lorne Lanning?

Lorne Lanning

Oddworld creator Lorne Lanning will be speaking at the meeting for the Chicago chapter of the IGDA (that is, the International Game Developers Association) on the evening of Tuesday, August 23rd (tomorrow night). He will be giving a multimedia presentation called "In a Wal-Mart world, Creative is a dirty word" concerning "the creative process, sources of inspiration, how Yoda saved his life, why the label of 'Creative' has become a liability, how game engines will change film making forever, ...why owning your own brand can be a handicap in today's marketplace, and how digital distribution is the great hope for creatives as we continue heading deeper into a brave new world of media." I will also be there, blogging the event. (If you were hoping to go, you may be sorry to learn that reservations were made for attendants well in advance. Sorry!)

What this post is for, however, is to make a small request for question suggestions. I could read as many past interviews as I want, but that wouldn't give me as much insight into the machinima and digital distribution issues that I'd surely get from our dear Joystiq readers. If possible, I hope to ask Lorne a few questions (during the likely Question & Answer session if necessary), but nothing's set in stone. (The current Oddworld web site is a bit bereft of proper contact information right now, so if anyone can get me in touch with Mr. Lanning directly, I'd certainly appreciate it.) At any rate, a concise report should be up by Wednesday morning, with or without interview. Wish me luck!

Update: Moving the report back to Wednesday evening or Thursday morning. Hopefully I'll have a good picture for you then! And, yes, I did get to ask Lorne a few of your questions. Should be fun.