
Samsung @ CES - They're bringing the 3.2 megapixel SCH-S230 cameraphone to the US

Samsung SCH-250

There's a few things to dig about the SCH-S230, Samsung's new 3.2 megapixel cameraphone — a 3x optical zoom lens, 262K color LCD screen, and of course, that three megapixel thing — but the biggest thing to get hyped on is that unlike pretty much every single sweet Asian cellphone we write about, this one is indeed going to make an appearance here in the US sometime in Q3. Better still, the SCH-S250, that five megapixel cameraphone that came out in South Korea last year is set to arrive in the fourth quarter. (Yeah, it's a long time, but we figured they'd never come out here at all, ya dig?) Click to see a few more pics.

Samsung SCH-250

Samsung SCH-250