
We have a winner in the data disaster contest

Pocket Rocket

It took a few days to judge—there were way, way, more heartwrenching tales of woe to go through than we'd expected—but we finally have a winner in our "Tell us your worst data disaster and win Memina's 2GB Pocket Rocket USB flash drive" contest. It was tough, but Robert L's story about inadvertantly coming out of the closet after asking his ultraconservative father to recover a term paper from a dead hard drive (you can pretty much guess what happened), a smooth move which resulted in months of forced therapy (and no recovered term paper), really stood out for us. Other especially pathos-evoking entries: 53, 133, 146, 186, 233, 337, 408, and 514. Thanks to everyone how entered, and remember to make lots backups, mmkay?