
Debrander lets you take over your Motorola cellphone


Want to able to do exactly what you want with your Motorola cellphone, or are you simply just tired looking at that Cingular/Verizon/T-Mobile/Nextel logo every time you turn the damn thing on? Klaus Kohlert's just busted out Debrander, a J2ME Java app for Moto handsets that let's you access the phone's file system, remove the carrier branding (like on the welcome screen), replace all sorts of different images and sounds on the phone with your own, and create new menu profiles. Obviously if you mess up your phone you're on your own, but Klaus is offering 50 free full licenses to Engadget readers so you can check it out. Just enter "engadget" in the field for your email/PayPal account and "1234567890" as your activation number.