
Can't remember phone numbers? You're not alone

text messaging

If you have a hard time remembering phone numbers, and rely on your cellphone's directory to keep track of all of your contacts, you're not alone. According to The New York Times, cellphones have replaced little black books, PDAs and even Outlook as the central repository of contact info for many people. And since most people don't make backups, if they lose their cellphones, they're out of luck. A recent British study found that 29% of people worried that they'd lose touch with friends and business associates if they lost their cells. The solution: backup, backup, backup. Even if you have to do it on paper. Oh, and that part about not remembering phone numbers: It's not your fault (or the fault of too much cellphone radiation hitting your brain). Turns out the human brain isn't wired to adequately handle numbers longer than nine digits. With most phone numbers requiring at least 10 digits, we just can't handle them. That, and with the cellphone as an omnipresent appendage, why waste your brain cells on phone numbers? Save them for something more important, like, uh, um, what were we saying?