
BIOPRO's Cell Chip blocks cellphone radiation, common sense

BIOPRO Cell Chip

Cellphone radiation may or may not be melting your brain, but a company called BioPro has decided to cash in with the Cell Chip, which supposedly blocks harmful cellphone radiation by using a "multi-dimensional approach." We know it's tough to resist anything that "reprograms transversal and longitudinal waves of Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from cell-phones" and employs the principles of "Harmonization/Neutralization through Quantum Physics" to shield you from cellphone radiation, but do your best, ok? If it helps, BIOPRO are also the ones selling those sketchy economy fuel saving stickers and some bogus-looking beverage called the "BioNutratonic", which should give you an indication of how legit this company is. What's really going on is that these guys are on the multi-level marketing tip, and if you poke around their site you'll see that they're really looking for are "consultants" and "managers" who are expected to pay thousands of dollars for the privilege of selling this garbage.