
First PC powered over Ethernet

Etherhet cable

They'd earn our undying gratitude if they could figure some way to magically power the damn things over WiFi, but a British company called DSP Design has created a PC called the Poet 6000 that can be powered entirely over an Ethernet cable. Power Over Ethernet has been around for a few years, but has mainly been used to cut the cord to wireless access points and network cameras, and as far as we know this is the first time it's been implemented in a PC. You can't actually get all that much juice over a PoE connection (definitely not enough for a proper desktop PC), but DSP Design used a bunch of low power components to make it work with the Poet 6000. Might not just be a one-off, either, since reportedly there's a new spec being developed for PoE that would be able to deliver as much as 35 watts, which should be enough to power some regular laptops out there.