
Videos of yourself karaokeing--sent straight to your cell


Don't know about you guys, but just about the only way you're gonna get us up in front of the karaoke mic to sing some of Rod's Maggie May would be to douse our innards with a few handles of whiskey—so it should go without saying that getting a video of our, um, "performance" sent directly to our cellphone is one of the last things we'd plunk down for. But this is karaoke-shy America, and in Japan Tetsujinka Keikaku, a mammoth karaoke parlor chain, will make sure your most expert performances are no further than a phone-flip away for about ¥500 (about $5) a video. But we all know that the true purpose of the service is for surreptitiously acquiring videos of your friends totally busting it out to Journey, don't even front.

[Via picturephoning and]