
Pigs have more game than you

joystick pig

We know we've got a lot of gamers hittin' us up for the latest on E3. So listen up playas, 'cause turns out pigs can game too. Two Animal Scientists not content with eating the damn things wondered "can pigs think?" And knowing what we all know (being skilled at gaming is a mark of cognitive ability) set out to build Wilbur his first arcade game. No surprise that food, probably in the form of a Mountain Dew and Pringles yuk-shake, is the reward for successful completion of simple tasks. Ok, so they haven't mastered first-person shooters yet, but pigs have demonstrated success moving "a single shape across the screen to touch the one that matches it." Anyone else think that's just a bit too close to Pong for comfort!?

[Via Pasta and Vinegar]