
Engadget Podcast 029 - 05.19.2005

Podcast - PlayStation 3

There've been some big bombs dropped this week in the video game world, both consoles and software alike, so we've got a mid-week E3 roundup Podcast to keep you abreast on the latest in the next-gen console shootout going down in here. Special guests Ben Zackheim and Vlad Cole of Joystiq fame join us with the latest on PlayStation 3's launch, more on Engadget's and Joystiq's interview with Steve Ballmer on the Xbox, and we all even manage to take some time to pontificate on what in god's name is happening in the Nintendo camp before turning the mics over to Joystiq for the latest on upcoming and next-gen titles.

Hosts: Peter Rojas and Ryan Block
Guests: Ben Zackheim and Vlad Cole

40:56, 9.4MB, MP3

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We've added time codes in the following list and links to the stories or references.


00:50- PlayStation 3 unveiling
04:00- Xbox 360 and the market
12:40- Ballmer on the Xbox 360
20:40- Nintendo Revolution unveiling
29:00- A Nintendo media hoax?
30:50- Joystiq knows games
39:20- Wrapup

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