
Apple really, really moving to Intel chips?

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So the rumours of Apple's talks with Intel have been simmering for a couple of weeks, and it looks like what nobody thought would really happen just might be happening — at least, that's the word from C|Net. They're saying "sources familiar with the situation" have learned Apple will be beginning a phased transition from IBM to Intel chips, starting with their lower-end machines (Mac mini, e.g.) in mid-2006 and migrating the higher-end units (Power Mac, e.g.) in mid-2007. The official announcement is expected to come at the WWDC (Worldwide Developer Conference) in San Francisco this Monday — fitting, as software developers would have to start getting busy rewriting their code to take advantage of the new processors. Well, it's not like this kind of thing is unprecedented — still, you might want to take it all with a grain of salt until His Steveness takes the stage.

[Thanks, MS and daniel]