
Faith in a booth with Praystation


Not to be confused with PainStation, PreyStation, or, well, you know, PrayStation by Glasgow art student Douglas Maitlan is an easily deployed sound-proof porta-parish complete with a virtual priest for relieving your conscience. We're not sure how the box intends to sort between vagrants off the street there for a B.M. or B.V.M., but it interfaces with your personal record, kept on an iCross (uhh), which is supposed to keep a record of your confessions, religious profile, and activities (we hope they use some crypto!), as well as reflecting a "soul meter" which shows you just how likely you're headed south a scale from white to black. Just be warned, this box may still dole out a liberal amount of Hail Marys and Our Fathers all the same, so be prepared to bust those Rosary Beads. Coming to a strip mall strip joint near you in 2018.