
The True Lies service will help you manage your lies

True Lies pinocchio phone

We don't lie for the same reason we use spell checkers — 'cause we're just not smart enough to remember 'em all if we did. But our virtues could take a ride on that slippery slope of taradiddle if the True Lies service idea is ever implemented. You see, Angus Chan (Royal College of Art student, quibbler) wants to help you manage your lies in an effort to "lubricate relationships" — not to promote dishonesty. First, you create a record of your lies and your daily schedule which the service would then categorize and host in their database. Then, timely reminders of the fibs and fabrications you made to the people you will meet would arrive in the appropriate medium (text message, email, etc.) thereby "avoiding any embarrassment." And for the most unscrupulous among you, how about a Pinocchio phone which grows with the length of the tales you weave?