
MacWorld TUAW meetup


Macworld Expo Boston is fast approaching, and three fifths of TUAW will be live and on hand at the Expo looking at cool stuff, and scrounging around for bloggable bits. Now, we here at TUAW love our readers and thought it would be the bee's knees if we could organize a meetup of sorts whilst we are on the ground in Boston.

Since Dave, Laurie, nor I are native Bostonians we thought we would ask you if you had any suggestions for a venue. At the moment Tuesday, July 12th in the evening looks the best, but we're open to suggestions on that end as well. We're thinking of meeting in the lobby of the Lenox (where Laurie had the good sense of booking well in advance).

On a wholly selfish note, I still need to find a hotel for myself. Anyone have a good hotel near the convention center that I can stay at? Leave a comment.

Oh, and if you are going to be exhibiting at the Expo and want to set up some time to talk to one of us about why your products are super cool just use our handy contact form and let us know (the same goes if you are hosting a super cool party and want to invite us, or if you want to give us delicious candy).