
Bluetooth DUN workarounds for the Samsung i730?

Samsung i730

More than a few have you have expressed your, uh, displeasure at the fact that Verizon decided to disable Bluetooth dial-up networking on Samsung's new i730 Pocket PC Phone (hey, we're not happy about it either)—even despite the fact that technically Bluetooth would bottleneck that sweet, sweet EV-DO connection. But a couple of tenacious readers wrote in with their own techniques for getting around this unpleasantness. Note: we haven't had a chance to try out either of these ourselves, so don't come crying to us if you can get 'em to work (or worse, when you've screwed up your phone):

Bobby E. decided to get around Verizon?s lame crippling of the i730?s Bluetooth by doubling up with Pretec?s SD Bluetooth card (not the most elegant solution, but what you gonna do?):

I bought a Pretec SD BT card ($150.00) from This card supports pretty much all BT services.

Install the drivers, reboot and plug the Bluetooth card in the slot. When you pair it to your laptop, the DUN service will be available.

To set it up create a new dialup connection on the laptop with the ?Bluetooth modem? selected.

Pay attention to the com port for the ?Bluetooth modem? on the laptop and set the same port under ?dun? in the new BT software on your phone, and change the port speed to the fastest available on the phone. Set the username to: and your password to: vzw and your dialup number to: #777

After all the setup make sure data on the phone is ?DISCONNECTED?. Go to your laptop, open the connection you created and connect. If you did it correctly it will establish the Bluetooth connection and dial the data connection.

Things to look out for:

If you use a program like GoodLink that tries to constantly connect to the internet it will disable your connection every time it tries to connect. You will have to disconnect and reconnect to get the data working again.

I hard reset my device to delete GoodLink and just loaded the new Bluetooth card up. I have been online for over an hour and I am getting about 128k on 1x.

Hope this helps some!

Kelly R.D. posted this solution up in the comments the other day. This one doesn?t involve buying a new Bluetooth card, but it does require you to install a driver, something which could possibly mess up your phone. Attempt at your own risk, ya dig?

I found instructions on using my Samsung i730 as a modem for my laptop, achieving speeds up to 760 kbps on Verizon?s EVDO network. Here are the steps:


You have to download and install SCH-I730 MCCI driver ( ) from Samsung?s web site before it will detect the drivers.

The file you download from Samsung?s web site will display a weird dialog box that has a bunch of buttons with question marks on them. Click the bottom left button. This extracts the installation files to a folder. Run setup.exe.

Go to the phone app and then press: **PATH (**7284)

Select: As the modem through USB

NOW PLUG IN YOUR i730 using the usb cable. It shoud detect the modem driver now.

You now need to make a new Dial Up Networking connection using the following settings (if you do not know how to make a dial-up connection, please Google it. This is dependant on which Operating System you are using) :

Phone number to Dial: #777

Password entered: vzw

Make sure EVDO is not already connected before you try to dial the connection.

Remember to reset the phone mode using **7284 when you want to use Active Sync again.?

If you try either of these (or have another technique), let us know how it works out!