
Yes, that is Dave in high-def

You folks are really special to me. Really! That's why I'm waking up from what is effectively an hour and a half nap, just to see if David Letterman is on in high-def for the first time ever.


Yes, he is.

I'm not watching the entire show, but here are a few HD bits from the first three minutes:

  • The opening sequence looks phenomenal. The detail is striking.

  • The background of his set just jumps off of the TV.

  • I can see the texture of his suit.

  • He has more wrinkles than I can remember.

  • His second joke is about HDTV. "You can actually read the serial number on my toupee."

No thanks are necessary. Really. Now I'm going back to bed; 5 a.m. comes pretty early around my house. Enjoy the show and let me know what you thought of it. Good night.

Update: Dave just mentioned that Andy Dick is one his first HD guests. I'm definitely skipping the rest of the show because of this.