
Coke's vending machines feeling Inspired

Inspired Broadcast Network jukebox

We've written about Inspired's multimedia vending machines before, but it looks like they've managed to land the mother of all contracts—Coke. Well, in the UK, anyway. Looks like Coke wants to try and leverage all those installed vending machines everywhere to earn back a couple bucks their cash outlay by also vending pay-as-you-go minutes, ringtones, and music to be transferred over the air or via Bluetooth. And yes, there are sure to be the inevitable promotions (buy a Coke, get a ringtone, etc.). Apparently the machines will also have a memory card download feature, which aside from seeming a conspicuously bad idea, opens up your phone to a variety of health concerns—don't you know this stuff will rot your device's teeth and give it diabetes?

[Via MocoNews]