
Engadget Japanese at Tokyo Game Show

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The big event at this year's Tokyo Game Show was undoubtedly the announcement of the Nintendo Revolution controller, but what about the rest of the show? Microsoft was on hand to give the Japanese market a second try with the Xbox 360, and Sony turned up with plenty of interesting PSP titles and more videos of the PS3. That's not to mention the software developer booths, including Sega's booth showing off their "18+ only" beat-em-up title, "Ryu ga Gotoku." But we prefer to leave coverage of software to Joystiq, especially since they know more about that stuff anyway.

Even so, Engadget Japanese was on hand at the show to make sure nothing of note fell through the cracks. Good thing, too, because otherwise we may have missed this priceless Xbox 360 hoodie. And the random PictoChat rooms that kept popping up while people waited in lines, where strangers would share tips and information about giveaways.

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