
"Personal Rockin' Computer" by Roland Masson

personal rockin computer

Since we are of the type to situate our flat-panel monitor on top of the coffee table and telecommute comfortably from the sofa, we are always interested in furniture that lets us get our 'Net on in the most supine position possible. Our installation skills are too poor to actually install an HD plasma on the bedroom ceiling for the ultimate in lazy computing, so for now we will have to settle for Parisian artist Roland Masson's concept ZedSet (must be a French thing), also known as the Personal Rockin' Computer (that's more like it). This U-shaped lounger (which looks a lot less goofy than some other integrated furniture we've seen), first displayed at ICHIM 05 in Paris, incorporates a computer and display directly into the body of the chair so you can rock back and forth like a crabby senior while still doing the digital thing like a spry young hacker. The ZedSet also works without the extra tech attached, allowing you to grease up the underside and make one sweet homemade toboggan.

[Via Techie Diva]