
iPaq rx1950 reviewed

hp ipaq rx1950 in-hand

PC Mag has posted one of the first reviews of HP's just-released iPaq rx1950, which is currently the lowest-priced WiFI-enabled handheld on the market. They find it to be a good entry-level PDA (this term is becoming more outdated by the minute) for the budget-minded professional who needs solid business performance but not necessarily the muscle to push games and processor-intensive multimedia apps. Slowing things down even more is Windows Mobile 5.0, which strains the 300 MHz Samsung chip and has rather slow memory access. Despite the sometimes sluggish performance, however, PC Mag thinks the new operating system offers enough advantages to outweigh the lack-of-snapiness. Final verdict: 3.5/5 stars, but take a look at the Tungsten E2 and Dell X51v before settling on the iPaq.

[Thanks, Dave]