
Cellphone booths offer privacy

cellphone booth

Those of us with a strong social conscience carry around our own cellphone booths to avoid disturbing others with our conversations, but since some people still insist on looking "cool," a new option has recently surfaced. Fort Wayne, Indiana carpenter Dennis Raney, annoyed with loud, oblivious, public cellphone chatters, decided to confront the problem head-on by building full-size cellphone booths where motormouths can disappear and conduct their business in private. So sure is Raney of the potential market for these booths (which currently lack a steady revenue stream) that he started a company, C.P. Booth, to manufacture and distribute his old-fashioned designs. Raney has signed on several restaurants to purchase the multi-thousand dollar contraptions (although none have yet been installed), and claims that some universities have also expressed interest. Perhaps the only one unhappy with this trend is Clark "Superman" Kent, who will no longer have a payphone to hang his tights on while he's changing.
