
Sharp's 1,000,000:1 contrast ASV premium LCD

sharp lc-45gx6u

"The one I made has a thousand to one ratio!"
"So what! The one I made has a ten thousand to one ratio!"
"Oh yeah? The one I made has a hundred thousand to one ratio!"
"Oh yeah?! The one I made has a million to one ratio!"
"So! The one I made has a billion to one ratio!"
"Well, mine has infinite contrast ratio."

Ok, so maybe Sharp doesn't have an infinite-plus-one contrast ratio display (yet), but their new ASV premium LCD one-ups Toshiba's and Canon's SED displays by supposedly showing 1080 hi-def at a million to one contrast ratio—probably for a price not dissimilar. (Note: image is of a Sharp 45-inch LCD.)

[Via I4U]