
Linksys CIT200 Skype phone reviewed

linksys cit200

Our first look at the Linksys CIT200 Skype phone was solely through FCC filings, so it was difficult to get a real read on its capabilities. Now that it's due to officially hit the market, the VoIP Blog has put one through its paces, and has found that it's "tightly integrated with Skype utilizing the Skype API for not just making and receiving calls but also accessing your Skype contacts and profiles." The Windows-only phone connects to a PC via USB, and once connected runs a background application that interfaces with Skype. According to the review, the $130 phone offers an indoor range of up to 160 feet, and provides solid voice quality for both Skype-to-Skype calls and SkypeOut calls. One thing lacking, however, is the ability to work as both a Skype and landline phone like the Olympia DualPhone, a feature would have helped potential customers who haven't yet abandoned their landlines for full-time Skypedom justify the price of this unit.