
Samsung SBH-100 stereo Bluetooth headset: first look

Samsung SBH-100 stereo Bluetooth headset

With so many new and upcoming cellphones including music playback functionality, the demand for dual-use Bluetooth headphones/wireless headsets is sure to skyrocket. Samsung is making an early play for this burgeoning market in the form of their SBH-100 stereo headset, and mobile-review takes a first look at what to expect from this device. At first glance, the design is both clunky and cumbersome, with two chunky earpieces protruding several milimeters from the user's ear, connected rather awkwardly with a wire that is too long and too thick. Fortunately, the SBH-100 makes up for its lackluster aesthetics with solid performance, according to mobile-review, as it pairs easily with any A2DP-capable handset and provides superior sound volume, although sound pickup is not great in outdoor or noisy environments (as is the case with most earpiece-mounted mics). First-adopters will be able to pick up a pair of these converged 'phones for around $140 before the end of the month.

[Thanks, Young Rok]