
Skype Day in Japan

pioneer skype phone

Nikkei Communications hosted "Skype Day in Japan" yesterday, a day-long event with keynotes about the current and future state of Skype. Things went all the way to the top, with Skype's CEO and Engadget buddy, Niklas Zennström, explaining how Skype's partners "hold they keys to [its] expansion," what they've named the "Skype Ecosystem." The company currently has Skype logos on over 200 products, and has more than 150 partners. Lucky for us, a few companies were on hand to put some actual hardware on the table. Pioneer showed up with their TF-PH210UT, an analog cordless handset that can control Skype. The cradle portion connects via USB, and the handset recharges while in the cradle. It should allow for around 9 hours of talk time. You can also change your Skype status from the phone. Buffalo also showed off their "BSKP-U202" USB handset, which features buttons to launch Skype itself and a dedicated SkypeOut button.

[Via Impress Watch]