
High definition eye-in-the-sky


Warning to all potential criminals: make sure you look really good before committing your next crime* because you could be on HDTV. Helinet Aviation and Cineflex, both owned by Alan Purwin, just might be capturing your mug from the sky. Purwin has helped develop a real-time high-definition system for helicopters that transmit MPEG-2 HD video back to a police ground station.

The entire system actually runs from a portable PC running the Windows CE operation system; being a Windows Mobile user all the way back from the old Win CE 2.11 days, I'm very impressed. The helicopter also uses a gyroscope to maintain the signal back to the ground station and the lenses can clearly read a license place from 7,000 feet in the air. OK, we gave you fair warning, so you don't show up on Swanni's Worst 10 on HDTV list!


*Don't be ridiculous: we don't condone committing any crime in HD, SD or any other res.