
Nosy sons save mother via webcam


If you thought webcams were only good for video calls, monitoring coffee pots and traffic conditions and, of course, pr0n, think again. Karin Jordal, a 69-year-old artist was recently rescued by her far-flung sons after they discovered, via her webcam, that she had collapsed in her California home. One son, in the Philippines, was spying checking up on his mom, when he saw her lying motionless on the couch in her living room. He called his brother in Norway, who contacted an ambulance, which arrived in 10 minutes, telemergency style. The mother had apparently been in a diabetic coma for about two hours, and is now in a hospital recovering. Of course, she's lucky that her boys were checking the cam when she passed out; they may want to consider giving her some kind of panic button to use in case they're not glued to the screen next time she collapses.

[Thanks, Dave]