
Brits willing to spend $60 for room-temperature butter


We have nothing against butter — or Brits — but put the two of them together, and it's a recipe for culinary (and arterial) chaos. Think about it; you go to a sandwich shop in the UK, and they put butter on everything. Ask them to skip it, and they look at you like you've got three heads. So, leave it to the Brits to come up with the ButterWizard, a £34.95 ($60) device that's designed to keep butter at an "optimal spreadable temperature" of 65.3 degrees. The developer, David Alfille, of East Sussex-based Alfille Innovations, tells Reuters that the company was "trying to find out what people's frustration with butter was," and discovered that it's "either too hard or too soft." In fairness, the ButterWizard does let you set your own temperature, in case you want it runnier or firmer. But still, $60 for a heated butter dish? Then, again, maybe we shouldn't talk. America, after all, is the home of the radio/toaster combo, which could be the perfect companion for this.