
Student trapped in toilet after fishing for cellphone

old school toilet

There now seems to be a more dangerous place to chat on your phone than on the highway. A Lebanese student studying at Ukraine's Odessa State Academy of Refrigeration (where you'd think he would have learned a thing or two about pipes and their potentially tight confines) had to be rescued from his bathroom after getting a hand stuck in the toilet. Apparently he had dropped his cellphone in the bowl (another reason that books make better, cheaper companions on the throne), made the decision to do the unthinkable, and hopefully rolled up his sleeve for his unfortunate fishing expedition. The sad sap was trapped for two hours before being freed from his unsanitary captor, and thankfully received medical attention at the end of the ordeal, which at the very least must have involved an emergency sponge bath for his arm. No word on the status of the soggy cellie, although after having soaked up toilet water for two hours, it would seem to have little value other than sentimental.